My computer almost dies…

I really need to finish this writing before my computer dies.

Recently, across Cambodia, there’s an electricity black-out that deters productivity in schools, businesses, houses, and so on. In Phnom Penh, at where I live, we only have electricity for half of the day during the hottest months of the year. Can you imagine?

Houses, buildings that are connected to the national grids suffer from this for about 3 months, starting in April. Only places that have generator can have a full-day electricity. It’s 21st century, yet I can’t charge my computer right now and the electricity system is not reliable.

What happened?

Cambodia’s biggest electricity source is hydropower plants, covering about 48.5% of the total electricity production. During the hottest months of the year, guess what happened? Low water level. This low level makes it hard for the dams to generate electricity by using water waves. This is what happened in a nutshell.

But, it’s already June, so it’s kind of over. But, knowing it exists, what does it tell us about our electricity reliability? Can we keep relying heavily on hydropower dams to electrify our country? What are some alternatives that we should shift our visions toward?

These are questions that we tackle in Cambodia energy sector. This year, I’ve been involved in helping to produce contents that relate to the energy sector and how this sector have a huge impact on the Cambodia economy.

We intended to create a website that has diverse contents that would deliver relevant information to the audience. In energy sector–for instance, we created a podcast that talks about the hydropower plants construction in Cambodia, its seen and unseen costs, recent electricity black-out, and the alternatives we can look forward to.

All these contents will be uploaded into our Cambodia economy website, so stay tune if you’re up for exploring the economy of Cambodia!

Weaponize our voices

If anyone were to ask me what’s the proudest moment or thing of this school year, I’ll probably say that I talked a lot.

You can call me talkative or whatever. Yet, most of the time, I’m still socially shy and awkward, but I mean that’s every teens’ issue, right? So yes, I’m talkative. I love debates and I get into arguments often.

Some people’s proudest moment might probably be winning a competition, accomplished a mountain-stacked work, got a 5 on AP exams or above 1400 on the SAT. But, my version of proud is that I talked a lot on topics that matter.

On May 5th, I along with seven other members hosted a Rainbow Summit that is dedicated to talk in our own own language, Khmer, about various aspects of the LGBTQ+ community and advocate for their rights.

We have spent approximately about 3 months, meeting each other 2-3 hours every weekend to organize this summit. Since we have this one ambition together, we never feel torn or exhausted from doing all the work. Because we’re passionate. We knew since the beginning that we’re not experts and we’re not going to be able to give everyone all the answers they want, but we have our primary goal: to be the conversation starters who impose a new perspective to our conservative country.

In Cambodia, members of the LGBTQ+ community suffer paramount discrimination due to the existence of a non-accepting society. In our summit, we’ve organized into four sessions: Language, Culture, Laws, and Health and Violence. 

Through constructive conversations and relevant activities, we were able to explain difficult and sensitive concepts to the audience who are young teenagers from 4 high schools. In Health and Violence session, led by me and another friend, we talked about the mental health issues that have happened in the LGBTQ+ community. In one of our activities, we asked the participants to closed their eyes and imagine that they are heterosexuals and live in a world in which heterosexuality is discriminated against. And in fact, people feel oppressed and cried. We further explained to them the pressure that we, individually, have put to the community and how we instigate violence.

I can speak powerfully and strongly of my session and I also can speak of other sessions, but if you visit my friends’ blogs who were also leaders of this summit, you would find a more elaborated and thorough highlight of their sessions. Names of them are included here: thiny, makara, sreynith, theara, kimseng, venghour, and samnangn. You can replace “rika” above with any one of these names. 

Why did we do it? Because it matters. We never think, for once, that this isn’t our business even though some of us are heterosexual. It’s everyone business. That mindset is everything, so unless we have a vaccine in which we can inject this perspective to everyone, this summit is necessary.

Should scientists play with our genetic material?

Is genetic engineering ethical or unethical? Have you heard of CRISPR aka the revolutionizing tool to edit genes? To what extend should scientists use this tool? Pick a stance and write an argumentative essay: that was our assignment.

Here’s a snippet:

Although some scientists and bioethicists might argue that we should maximize the use of this advanced technology, we should take risks, and we should be comfortable with uncertainty. But, taking risks and being comfortable with uncertainty are not always the case especially when it comes to toying with the genetic material that composed a person’s life. ”

Read my full report attached below.

Genetic Engineering Essay – Rika

Researchers on field again! | Jan 31st – Feb 3rd

Perhaps, it was a long break since our last trip (May 24th-29th)! Now, here we are, becoming islanders again. Since diving is weather-dependent, the long delay was because of the poor whether which led to poor visibility and it wasn’t our field season. Another reason would be……our schedules. It sounds as though we are never free. School schedules are hectic, students are busy catching their breath….so, that’s why. Anyways, we were back; that’s all that matters. 

After eight months, these young researchers covet to see their artificial reef and cluster improvementttt. They geared up, made a giant stride, descent, and saw nothing. Well, they saw sediments. The bad news: their artificial reef imploded and their cluster was cut. That’s so unpleasant after 8 months, don’t you think so? A possible theory made by one of MCC’s staffs was because of trawling. The net dragged the structure and, thus, 1/3 of it was buried in deep deep sediments. The cluster is gone. Perhaps, twice. We reattached and then it is gone, again.

Alright, that’s the update. Actually, we weren’t disappointed, just slightly I would say. Because that’s obviously a part of the research. Obstacles come and we strive; there’s no stopping. We learned, discussed, and planned for the future.

Comtemplating on this damaged structure wasn’t the only thing we did during this trip. We built more cluster, did beach clean up, built a plastic boat, did some fun dives, and watch the beautiful sunsets. It didn’t stop us from being productive. I never doubt this team’s efficiency.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, ocean, sky, outdoor, nature and water
Back in the water!
Image may contain: bird
First time spotting batfish!
Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, child, outdoor, nature and water
That’s the plastic boat I mentioned. On our way to test it out! FYI, it worked, 75%.

Back to school, we had a fruitful discussion about our future plan; what should we do on this damaged structure. And yes, we have a plan. Want to know what it is? You’ll need to read my next post.

Edge it up…!

“Should she conceal or reveal?”

“Challenging status quo through entrepreneurship”

“Cambodian Romeo and Juliet: Tum Teav”

These are some headlines that will lead you thought-provoking articles written by our academy’s senior students and published in our newspaper website, Liger Edge. Liger Edge is hoping to deliver to readers articles with quality content that encompass events in our academy as well as global and local news. Furthermore, we hope to encourage the culture of reading and writing in Cambodia as well as worldwide.

Fullfill your day by perusing through various articles from our young and vibrant writers!

General Right Triangle Word Problems

Howard is designing a chair swing ride. The swing ropes are 44 meters long, and in full swing, they tilt in an angle of 23°. Howard wants the chairs to be 3.5 meters above the ground in full swing.
How tall should the pole of the swing ride be?
Round your final answer to the nearest hundredth.
In order to do this problem, we have to apply the law of sines.
sin (67°) / x = sin (90°) / 4
x = 3.68
Where does 67° come from?
      If we draw a line perpendicular to the pole to the hypotenuse, we got a 90° angle. So, 180°- (90° + 23°) = 67°. 
We haven’t finished yet, we need to add x to 3.5 because they ask the entire length of the pole. 
3.68 m + 3.5 m = 7.18 m
*It is better to not round your answer during your calculation*
How tall should the pole of the swing ride be?
Round your final answer to the nearest hundredth.







VSEPR is a model used in Chemistry in order to predict a geometric shape of molecules based on the number of valence electrons. 

We can classify molecules into 7 main geometric shapes:

  • Linear                                      180°                    Non-Polar
  • Bent                                         104.5°                Polar
  • Trigonal Planar                   120°                    Non-Polar
  • Trigonal Pyramidal           107.3°                Polar
  • Tetrahedral                          109.5°                Non-Polar
  • Trigonal Bipyramidal       90°/ 120°         Non-Polar
  • Octahedral                           90°                      Non-Polar

Before figuring out any of those shapes, we need to draw Lewis Dot Diagram first. Let’s look at some examples:


Based on its Lewis Dot structure, we can classify HCN as Linear. 

As you can see above, Sulfur has 5 bonds. So, we would classify this as Trigonal Bipyramidal. 

Now, in this case, Sulfur has only 2 bonds. We would classify this as Bent. Why? HCN also has only 2 bonds but classified as Linear. That is because there are two extra pairs of electrons in the middle atom so those two pairs of electrons will push each of the two bonds down, creating an angle. 

Read & Write

On the 5th of October, it is the official launch of our school’s newspaper called the ‘Liger Edge’ !! There are a lot of incredible things happen in Liger and the only platforms we can use to share our stories are through Facebook and Instagram; furthermore, we can only write a few sentences. Therefore, we feel the need to create a school’s newspaper to spread stories of Liger in details. 

The newspaper is digital and we’ve established two websites for Khmer and English. We have 8 different categories: Features, Culture, Current Events, Stories of Change, A day in the Life, Opinion, Sports, and Caption this. We have 7 members in our team, all responsible as editors of each category. I am the editor in chief of Feature articles category.  So far, I’ve written three articles, though, not all are published. My first article talked about our new facilitators in this 2018-2019 school year. So, why don’t you check it out:

As We Fail – Features – Rika

Through writing these articles, I get a chance to enhance my writing skill and spur other students to share their voices through their writings. 

Our website has not yet been fully functioning, so sorry for this inconvenience. However, I hope my article above can act as a sneak peek to the incredible world of writings of our students.  

Wrapping up the history

In our literacy round 1 final assessment of the history of America. We were asked to do projects related to the history of America. 

In one of the texts that we’ve read is about the Great Depression. So, I decided to write a rhetorical analysis essay on Franklin Delano Roosevelt inaugural speech. Another work I did was to write an opinion article on Childish Gambino’s hit: ‘This is America’. To know more about what is my opinion of Gambino’s music video, go and check this out:

‘This is America’ Opinion article – Rika

Exponential Vs Linear Growth over time

Aril and Dita are wealthy Norwegian business owners who make monthly donations to international disaster relief.
  • Aril donated 150 Norwegian kroner (KR ) the first month and the cumulative number of Norwegian kroner she has donated increases by a factor of 2.5 each month. 
  • Dita donated 300 KR the first month and the cumulative number of Norwegian kroner she has donated increases by 400 KR each month.
They started making donations at the same time, and they both make their monthly donations at the beginning of each month.
What is the first month in which Aril’s cumulative donation exceeds Dita’s cumulative donation?
How do we go about solving this problem? First, let’s identify which statement describes exponential and which statement describes linear growth. 
Exponential growth is a growth whose rate is rapid in proportion to the function’s current value. Linear growth is a growth whose rate is constant over time. 
Based on the context, we can say that Aril’s donation is an exponential growth and can be model by an equation:
y = 150 * (2.5)^(x-1)
And Dita’s donation is a linear growth and can be modeled as:
y = 300 + 400(x-1)
Why (x-1)? Because in the first month which is x, Aril and Dita have already donated 150 KR and 300 KR respectively. Therefore, we have to subtract the first month to know the rate of the following months. 
Now, let’s figure out which month Aril’s donation exceeds Dita’s donation. Let’s think of it graphically.
We know that exponential growth started off slowly and will eventually outreach linear growth; therefore, we have to look for its intersection. 
The two lines intersect at 3.28, 1212.17. Therefore, we can conclude that at month 4, Aril’s donation will exceed Dita’s. 
What is the first month in which Aril’s cumulative donation exceeds Dita’s cumulative donation?